Friday, October 15, 2010

Lost in Time!!!

Well it seems like it has been an eternity since I last posted or updated anything... really time flies when you are not paying attention.  Blink, blink, and it's gone.

So I've been playing around in photoshop once again and actually went out and took a couple pictures this week. I plan on heading out tomorrow to WV, a friend told me about Bridge day there, it's held once a year, the tallest Bridge in America opens up to foot travel... It's about 3 hours away from here, but I think it'll be worth driving to... especially to take some pictures and take in the view.

Onto the post...

I took this while out driving around Bull Fork... Couldn't resist the colors... So gorgeous.

And this one was taken at a mechanics house... this guys is awesome when it comes to cars... and just check out the classics he has setting around. Photo-Opportunities just waiting to happen!!

And this is my husband.... snapped it while were driving... I took this the same day I took the fall drive photo. I love going out and taking pictures. It's relaxing and so fun.

Hopefully I will have more for you after tomorrow! Yeah!!!!