Monday, April 26, 2010

Out and About...

This is my cat... he thinks he is king of the jungle, and of course I tell him he is everyday.... I am kitty hear me Roar.

We went hiking in the gorge and at Broke Leg falls... we took our son and his best friend with us. I was so worried about them walking to close to the edge or slipping on the rocks and getting hurt... No need to worry about them, it was me who did the stupid. I slipped and fell at the top and smacked my knee on a rock and pulled a hip muscle. So, yes, I am the one that needs constant reminder on being careful. LOL.

This is another view of what looks to have been once a grill at BLF's. Don't really know though, just thought it looked neat.

We also went over to a friend/co-workers farm this weekend... Here is one of his precious... Isn't she a beauty??? She's so friendly, she'll let you pet and love on her, and she is sooooo soft...